Hi, I'm Liam. I help software engineers reach their full potential

My story so far

I've always loved using and playing on computers. Ever since asking Jeeves for help with beating Tomb Raider 2's final boss I've been drawn to computers and the internet like nothing else.

I studied computing at college and university. My final year project was to build a chess forum with the overarching concept of viewers and spectators inspired by the movie "Becoming John Malkovich". It was an awful hacked toether mess of PHP, HTML tables and dodgy CSS but I loved every second of making it.

I've been in the industry over 13 years. I've worked in-house roles for eccomerce, digital agencies and software engineering product teams. These roles have allowed my to work with various companies including BAFTA, ClearChannel, Sainsbury's, Cottages.com, Hoseasons, Novasol and so on.

I've worked with various languages and technology stacks over the years but my speciality and greater experience is in UI/UX and Front End. I've been lucky to enjoy working with such projects and brands. I was really comfortable with my abilities to deliver web based proucts effectively.

But in 2018 I had the biggest wakeup call of my life. My son was born and during the lead up to his arrival till now I have been on a new mission. To find people who can benefit from my experience and journey the most. To be able to help them along their journey and hopefully achieve the goals they dream about.

I can no longer spend all my time for my own benefit. I see my son and see how far I have come and want, need and have to give back to those who need it.

So now I'm starting my personal brand, sharing my experience and knowledge through content in various formats. Building, learning, reading, teaching and building a community of like-minded individuals who wish to become the best version of themselves.

You can check out exactly what I'm working on right now on my now page. I update this every week with my current progress with various projects

What I write about

Software Engineering

Learn about various languages, frameworks and working practices. Benefit from career advice based on my past experience and advice from successful individuals I talk to.

Personal Growth

Consistent and purposeful progress is what you should strive for everyday. My content around self improvement, mindset, productivity and stoicism will help you attain these. Learn from my successes and failures as I take on various challenges and document the journey.

Health and Fitness

I believe having a healthy body is the highest priority before everything else. Without health there can be nothing else. Let me show you how I got back to a healthy life, body and mind after falling off more than three times!


I'm not financial expert but I've learned a lot about wealth (clue, it's not about how much money you have) over the years. I've made plenty of mistakes but also had a lot of wins that have gave us lasting benefits.

Let me help you reach the next level

Not much of a reader? I make videos too